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Cash Management

2a-7 Liquidity Portfolios/Short-Term Portfolios/Laddered Solutions/Indexing Solutions

Gamma Asset Management’s cash management solution is to customize, effectively manage and monitor the availability and use of cash and other liquid assets within your company or organization. We will methodically tailor that solution to ensure a company has cash on hand to meet its financial obligations while maximizing the utilization of all available strategic and reserve cash pools.

Our expertise in the global fixed income landscape drives our differentiator that we deliver for the benefits of our clients. Our cash management duties begin with a true bespoke conversation to arrive at a well-designed solution that specifically addresses your goals and objective for your company, organization or family needs.

Our duties to customize include:

Gamma gets involved to understand the timing and amount of inflows and outflows over the important intervals needed. These actions will assist in identifying cashflow movement thus enabling proactive decision-making for maximizing yield.

Regular monitoring of the company's cash position – operational, strategic, and reserve -- to ensure that it aligns with the forecasted amounts. Maintaining an appropriate level of cash reserves is crucial to meet cash demands.

Liquidity cash management may involve securing short-term financing options to address temporary cash needs without the need to divest securities prior to maturity.

Deploying excess cash into short-term investment vehicles to generate returns while maintaining liquidity can be invested in short-term, low-risk instruments to generate some return while remaining easily accessible.

Investment securities to diversify can include Treasury bills, commercial paper, certificate of deposits, repurchase agreement, and other government or corporate debt securities with short maturities.

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